Some Tips To Scare Birds Away Immediately

Birds are so much more enjoyable to watch during summers. But too many of the birds in your homes simply destroy everything. They pose problems from property to health risks and you should stop them immediately. Most birds love feeding on fruits and vegetables. Also, it feels quite tiring when you see droppings all around the house. They seem to ruin the harvests instantly. So, you should take care of them as soon as possible. There are so many things you can do to keep the birds away from the yard and your homes. Here Some Tips To Scare Birds Away Immediately that you can try!

Tips To Scare Birds Away And Keep Them Off The Bay:-

  1. Installing A Bird Repellent Flying Kite

When you plan on distracting the birds, the best way is to use the bird-repellent flying kites. Further, you can set it up on a windy day acting like a guard on your property. So, if you want to keep the birds off your homes, you can install it anywhere you like. Bird Pest Control Services is not such an easy task but with the right way, you can do it better. Prefer using large kites with vivid colors for your betterment. The large sizes are visible from very far. Birds fear approaching something so big the first time. 

  1. Using Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are the long needles used mostly for controlling the birds. These are made using plastic cans and are usually placed in the dirt. You can even attach it to the window ceilings for better protection from the birds. You can even make the same using nails in the wood. Birds find the spikes so uncomfortable and so, they don’t go near them at all. Keep them in the problematic areas of your homes for enough safety. 

  1. Prefer Shiny Objects

Shiny objects are so much a deterrent to the birds. They don’t like to shine pretty much and love to stay away from it. The reflection from the objects distracts the birds from coming back to the same places. Use old CDs, aluminum foils, small mirrors, etc. You can hang them in their nesting areas to use them properly. 

  1. Installing Motion-Activated Sprinklers

If you want to scare the birds without hurting them, the activated sprinklers are the best try. Birds tend to fly off whenever they see even the slightest danger. Additionally, the sprinklers are the water sprays. It is used to keep the birds away since the sensors can easily detect the motions. Always use adjustable settings to know how far you want the water to reach. 

  1. Scaring Birds With Sonic Cannon

It is a propane device with the blasting sounds just at random. This produces 130 decibel sounds enough to scare the birds from 10 foot distance. It is also used as a nest prevention technique. Once the birds hear the song, they don’t like coming to the same place again. 


The pest control professionals are also better at the prospect of scaring the birds. Use the safest pest removal ways to scare the birds and try to not hurt them in the process. Give us a call now on  08 6109 8196 for booking or finding the price quotes for your need.

5 Remedies To Remove Cockroaches From Your Kitchen

Have you ever come over those terrifying crawling cockroaches in your kitchen, just after a few hours of cooking a food. There’s nothing more revolting than finding these frightening cockroaches running and spreading diseases around the kitchen utensils. Nevertheless, do you have any idea how these find their way to your kitchen? Modern expert cockroach control eradication is fast, defended and productive  with products that leave no smell or residue.

These cockroaches are not just nasty but they can also be deleterious for people, property. They lead to numerous health infections and cause foodborne illness. Consequently, cleaning the kitchen in the right method is indispensable and using the correct  ingredients while cleaning can retain these insects away from home. Here a few cockroach control treatments that always in use are;

cockroach control treatments
cockroach control treatments
  1. ​Use mixture of water and vinegar

This is a natural easy cockroach control technique, for this you do not need to hire a cockroach control company or any expert ingredients everywhere as you can simply find these in your kitchen and these are affordable cockroach control treatments. Use a mixture of water and white vinegar, clean slabs and wash around the cook tops with this mixture and pour this solution in the kitchen drains at night time. This will sterilize the pipes, drains and help you to keep cockroaches away from your kitchen.

  1. Use ​Hot water, lemon and baking soda

This is another easy kitchen technique to get rid of these creepy cockroaches. Use this method to keep the disgusting crawlers away from your kitchen by mixing lemon juice in baking soda & hot water. With this organic cockroach control solution you can stop the reproduction of cockroaches in the kitchen.

  1. Use paste of Boric acid and sugar

This age-old cockroach control remedy works, mix some boric acid with some sugar, then spread this mixture in the kitchen places where you find cockroaches giving birth to the young ones. While the sugar attracts the cockroaches, boric acid kills them straight away. So, you can try this for the next time across these cockroaches. Even most of the cockroach control companies also recommend this technique to get rid of these dangerous cockroaches. 

  1. ​Essential oils

Many people are using these essential oils for their skin care routine. Essential oils like rosemary oils and eucalyptus oil can aid in keeping cockroaches away from the kitchen. You need to be alert from these creepy cockroaches and spray a few drops of these essential oils in the kitchen and cabinets sink, and allow the fragrance to spread its magic all around in the kitchen as well as in the entire house. This is the effective cockroach control treatment at home that controls the multiplication of these cockroaches. 

  1. Neem extracts

Here is another cockroach control method. Neem leaves & neem oil work very well in controlling cockroaches from your kitchen. Keep these neem leaves in your kitchen and observe the change in just 2 days. You can also sprinkle neem oil solution if you want to stop them from breeding in the kitchen. Repeat this process in the morning and night.


There is no remedy if someone is looking for how to get rid of these cockroaches overnight. Cockroaches are no less than a disease. If you need results fast or same day cockroach control then you can contact a professional pest control company and this is a good option at an affordable price. Pest Control Mosman Park has numerous techniques to get rid of these cockroaches instantly. To book an appointment  call us on 0861 098 196 .